Les Zombies et les Loups-Garous (the)Zombies (the) and Were-wolves Voyez-vous les zombies lÃ? do you see the zombies (over) there? Les zombies et les loups-garous? (2X) The zombies and the were-wolves? Madame Zombie, elle est méchante!(bis) Mrs. Zombie, she is mean! Madame Zombie, elle est méchante! Mais sa sÂœur est plus méchante!(bis) But her sister is meaner Oui, sa sÂœur est plus méchante (bis) Yes, Mais, sa mère est la plus méchante But, her mother is the meanest Refrain Le loup-garou, il est sauvage!(bis) The were-wolf, he is wild! Mais son frère est plus sauvage!(bis) But his brother is more wild (wilder) Oui, son frère est plus sauvage.(bis) Yes, his father is more wild (wilder) Mais, son père est le plus sauvage! But his father is the most wild (wildest)