I look around and underneath Ain't no sign of what I seek It's mysteriously Disappearing indeed I'm talkin' 'bout love There ain't no love We're missin all that Unconditional love We've got to Get back to that love We can't love on our own That's why we need God to make his home In our hearts He'll make us whole Found in mark chapter 12 Love your neighbor as yourself I wish, I wish, I wish We would love somebody like this Ooo ahh peacemaker Come into my life be my taker Ain't no love, ain't no, ain't no love Plant your seeds my peacemakers Spread your wings my peacemakers Why have we lost touch with real life relationships I'm talkin' 'bout one on one with you We face to face no hidin' We so addicted to The media game I call it "robot crew" Would it really hurt To be a man of your word? Reach out and take your brother's hand I'm fightin' for that peace Fightin' for that love We need some unity to make a stand Ain't no, ain't no love Ain't no, ain't no love Ain't no love in these streets I see Got me feelin' like there's nobody Nobody ridin' Nobody fightin' So I call my peacemaker Mr. El shaddai He was mistreated He was beat, he was denied Even so, he had my back, yeah He said we gotta pray for our enemies Light up the world We go, we go, we go What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Hey brutha, hey sister Peacemakas, we need ya Back to that love, back to that, back to that love