I'm in the biggest gamble of my life She's one of those girls Where i can't tell If things are right She's strumming on my heart strings All the time Even when she's mean This is so confunsing Why is this so confusing? 'cause everything is going alright Everything that's going on tonight But who knows where this road Will take us tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Where will she take us Where will she take us next She's so happy monday Doesn't even wanna see me wednesday What happens in the in between? This is so confusing Why is this so confusing Girl you make my heart ring 'cause everything is going alright Everything that's going on tonight But who knows where this road Will take us tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Where will she take us Where will she take us next I hope it's not the end I hope it's not the end My head is telling me yes My heart isn't feeling this This internal battle Will i found out just got away Who knows what the futures holds Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Where will she take us Where will she take us next Tomorrow, tomorrow Tomorrow, tomorrow Where will she take us Where will she take us next