Black Rock Shooter Why have you gone away? Can you hear my cry? How much more do I have to run from this accursed fate? How long do I have to deal with this stubborn hate? Oh, stop it! I can't take much more of this! Broken, I'll fade away I can't think about what happens tomorrow, just today Hope I thought I saw is further in my sight I can’t reach it now, but someday, somehow I might I’ll hold this small light through pitch black never ending night I’ll always fight Hoping for that day when I can dream without a fright Tell me Black Rock Shooter My found old memory These simple, pleasant days back then I want those again! Black Rock Shooter Though I can't move right now A light shines in this sky that never ends I'll shoot a wish to the stars for you, my friend! My fear quivers my voice and sheds a tear I need to hear! You call my name and finally say you need me here One step from walking off of an edge right here Watch me fade away You could have done semething but it's too late to reach yesterday Dawn cries through the night to find the morning's light I'll try to move on, but there's nothing else in sight I'll hold this small light through pitch black never ending night I'll aways fight Hoping for that day will come when I can dream without a fright Tell me Black Rock Shooter My found old memory These simple, pleasant days back then I want those again! Black Rock Shooter Tought You can't move right now! Keep Your eyes on the stars! Slowly fade away Remember yesterday But don't let the pain slow you down The people that we loved and lost Forever in stardust Aways reminding us Keep moving foward! Black Rock Shooter I feel You here with me! A fire inside, becomes alive, and screams a battle cry! Black Rock Shooter Just wait and see! This is where my history begins! A journey full of hope That never ends! If ever I should fail I'll sing this song and Keep moving on