SOFTLY I TREAD ON HOLLOWNESS MY BODY IGNORANT OF THIS HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME HOW DID I LOSE MY GRACE AND I TASTE IT wont swallow the heroin of emptiness how did this come upon me again again chorus this ocean so violent as i seem calm from afar this siren compliant with deadly waters of thought i only know that in the morning as i touch your skin i touch your grace that holy place that i miss i thought i knew all that was you all that lie in your faith in me how did you strip this from me how did i lose my face and a psalm of hope a psalm of skin i crucify the numb within how did this come upon me again again this ocean so violent as i seem calm from afar this siren compliant with deadly waters of though i dont know how i came to be like you my friend now i only know that in the morning as i touched your skin i touched my grace that holy place that i miss you for those who loved for those who died for those whose love has not survived dont ever lose your faith dont ever lose your grace