Once you said that we were cute together, And once you tryed to get me for your own. Because I was so caught up in you, I fell for you like a sinking burning stone. So you told my friends that you were really into me, And your told your friends that I was so great. To bad that when it came down to it, Everything you ever said was fake. CHORUS You told me the sky was down, You told me the grass was blue. You told me I was wonderful, That I couldn't get hurt by you. And you told me no other guy, Would be as great as you. You told me the sky was down, You told me the grass was blue. And now I'm sitting here remembering, All the crazy times I thought were fun. Now looking back, you didn't stab me in the heart, You simplly took me out with your gun. Cause apperently seeing is believing, And when I saw you, you blinded me. Thankfully I got out in the nick of time, And my heart is finally free ... From the lies. CHORUS Cause apperently seeing is believing, And when I saw you, you blinded me. Now that I'm out in the nick of time, I'm finally starting to see That the grass is down, And the sky is blue, That I'm wonderful, Even without you. That every other man, Could be just like you, And to watch my back, Cause the sky isn't always blue.