Rabia Sorda

Our Land

Rabia Sorda

You´ve cried for so long
And your tears don´t come out anymore
You know where I come from
And that´s something I´ll never forget

Take away the pain and the fear
Those that put you down for hundrets of years
Humiliation must never come back
´cause a new generation will strike back

Heads up! Don´t decay!
Don´t stop until our world is changed
Heads up! Ain´t no shame
Let´s make it stop!

You´ve screamed for so long
Inside a storm, the winds from
Faraway brought so your voice kept strong
While they raped our land without an end
So come and show them your face
And tell them now: We won´t put our heads
Down again! No one will ever buy
Or sell our fate, our pride or our lifes again!

A new order awaits
A new world awaits
A place for dreams will become true
Latin America is our land
Our past is present
We will defend our roots, our rights
Our land, no matter what it takes

We´re looking for something
Something to believe
We believe in a better tomorrow
Where we all can believe

Wake up brother - this isn´t over yet!

Let´s write our history with our bloody hands
´cause heads of state didn´t hear demands
They´ve served themselves and they´ve stolen
All they could, they´ve bitten the hand
That fed them their way through