Raa Hoor Khuit

Unto Perfection

Raa Hoor Khuit

To hear the voice 
From within your mind 
And listen what it says 
To create a kingdom in 
Your body 
To fight the disease. 
(called humanity) 

Feel the power of my grave. 
Choose the path to perfection 
And know that only a 
Rotting shell remains. 
Only a rotting shell remains! 

Erase the past 
And all times that come. 
Nothing harms the 
Divinity of your mind. 
It leads you to the time 
When you are 

Towards the aeons of live! 

Feel the power of my grave. 
Choose the path to perfection 
And know that only a 
Rotting shell remains. 
Only a rotting shell remains! 

Babalon has given the rules, 
Written on the body 
By her sacred fingers. 
She will lead you to 
Understand all of 
Your lost sides. 

Praise the gone creatures 
And each of their scars!