I am weeping over your grave Pumpkinhead has said it's ok Father's mother's, mother's father All the little ones run for cover Brother's sister, sister's brother I can't tell myself one from the other I have not seen one nor heard of one (remembrance of the child i once was) The suffering of children will avenge The memory of women will not relent shhhhh (you) please think for me Miraculous healer broke her seizure Her mind is morbid in the winter it's the autumn change hereafter In the spring of loves' autism The suffocating attention, steals loves, Affection, memory of a thief replaced my belief You have not called in vain Through your conflict and your pain Through your strain and your stress Through deaths' sacraments All is well he ejaculates And all her will she consummates And all is well he germinates Oh hell her will she terminates His love (her hate) Her love (his hate) His lust