Quincy Punx

Blowin' Chunks

Quincy Punx

Drank a twelve pack and smoked six bowls 
Now it's starting to takes its toll 
Can't hold it in for too long 
You're gonna do the technicolor yawn 
Now you've got the vicious spins 
Doing pennance for your drunkin sins 
I think its time to clear throat 
I think you know the anecdote 

Great big piles of chewed up food 
Breakfast lunch and dinner too 
There's gonna be some wreckage dude 
On your shoes 

Just exploded on the hallway floor 
Couldn't make it to the bathroom door 
Crawl across the tiles on your hands and knees 
Bathroom floor stinking of pee 
Dryheaves, convulsions, wish you were dead 
You pass out and you puke in bed 
I think its time your clear your throat 
I think you know the anecdote 

[Repeat Chorus]

Blowin' Chunks!!! [4x]

[Repeat Chorus]