A pirate on the blue sea Just my crew and my monkey Need a drink and a girl real bad Wanna see some fuckin land Let me out this wooden junkey Shoot the crew hang the monkey It sucks out here, without you around Swim from wherever you are now Chorus Cause no matter where i am No matter what i do I always need you close To help and get me through See you for a second For just half a breath Then i'd be content to live Yeah content until my death A pilot in fast jet Just my guns and headset Need a drink need a girl real bad Need to get this plane on land Let me out this metal cast Let the gun barrels blast Its sucks up here without you around Fly from wherever you are now Chorus Standin next to you Guessin its my best bet No pirates or pilots No monkeys or headsets Time counts round But we dont care Cause time only matters If you're not there