It seems to be boring, and I sing the song of the glory heard in something. The sound of the evening. That is especially cruel today. A weak bird seems to be a myth. No, there is no answer yet. Though I slept for a short time, a body is rather heavy. I should sing the song which wasn't known. The other side which a rainbow stretches what I think of across while it is uneasy . I tend to be sick. Though I have a wing. The sky which I want to fly to is a little far. A worthless word . You have hero handling given with a stolen word. "I can sympathize." . On earth, in what? It comes the memory which has the eye whose unlimited sheep which removed a shadow is blue to take it and to meet me. Because a throat aches. What are you hoping for, or what do I want? Still it doesn't answer on me. However, as for me .