The Freighter There it goes again Another shipment of illegal contents When is this going to end? How long do we have to keep quiet of it? I wanna tell you my friend If we just keep our eyes closed We are those who will let it all happen All this sadistic behaviour of mankind It's so shameless freaking insane Just how they destroy the will to live There is no way to get out from that box Useless to try it Although to die would be a choice not so bad Reflex denies it Calling for help comes deep from the cargo And we're just standing on the shore Waving goodbye to the freighter It's so shameless freaking insane Just how they destroy the will to live There is no way to get out from that box Useless to try it Although to die would be a choice not so bad Reflex denies it It's so shameless freaking insane Just how they destroy the will to live Oh you don't mind, don't listen, you will not care You make us hate ourselves in the end I see humanity fading away The price of life goes cheaper day by day