Tom: G "Collect the Diamonds" Power This song is written in Dm and the intro piano is basically just a slightly modified D natural minor scale, which has one Bb. The scale notes are as followed. [D E F G A Bb C D] and the chords can be shown as [i ii* III iv v VI VII] Note: * stands for Diminished In tab it looks like this: Intro Trill part (repeat as needed) e|--------------------|-------------| b|--------------------|--5h6p5------| g|-------------5------|*------5h7-*-| d|-----7-5-8-7--8-7-8-|*----------*-| a|5-7-8---------------|-------------| E|--------------------|-------------| This is the harmonized guitar part, but I'm putting into one guitar which you repeat as needed e|-----------------------------------------| b|---6/8~--6/8~--6/8~---8/10~--8~-10~-5~---| g|*--5/7~--5/7~--5/7~---7/9~---7~-9~--4~-*-| d|*--------------------------------------*-| a|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------|