
Purging The Nemesis


Worthless, insolent misguided 
fools continue to breathe 
exhausting all life from us 
spill our blood in their barbarity 
return to the days of an elders past 
when lives were there for the taking 
symbol of hate enscripted 
upon the tomb of each man 
the wanton desire for others possessions 
will ultimately lead to the end 
as avarice is unavoidable 
instilled in the man to shed their own blood 
assaulting the peace 
instilling the fear 
haunting each woman and man 
an inbred, dapraved instinct 
no right to still be breathing while others lie dead 
no just spending our money to provide them a bed 
they already proved that they really don't care 
just herd them like cattle and turn on the gas 
let them die 
purging the nemesis 
deter the rash of cruelty 
eye for an eye 
the punishment to fit the crime 
maybe they will get the message 
that we have had it 
never get the chance to hurt again