So much to say, so much would last for years May be an answer could dry my mourning tears Do you feel lost a million miles from home? Do you have a place to go? Any peaceful place to go? PreCH.: Yeah, I remember you I always do Too sweet to let you go Can't hide my feelings, no These words I wrote, I wrote for you This song goes out to you CH.: Could you dry my saline eyes Hopeful tears of care I know - sometime we'll meet again In Paradise, I swear So hard to understand these doubtfull ways of God Where's the answer to the question I've never known Who answers me? And whom should I believe? Do we have a place to stay? Any peaceful place to stay? PreCH.: Yeah, I remember you I always do Too sweet to let you go Can't hide my feelings, no These words I wrote, I wrote for you This song goes out to you CH.: Could you dry my saline eyes Hopeful tears of care I know - sometime we'll meet again In Paradise, I swear