An undertaker by trade Coffins for the dead I made I work carelessly But the dead won't complain In the vault It's me and the dead Alone in the dark A hastework for funerals The corpses must fit Correcting my errors Adjusting the stiff I saw through bones and meat I literally swept him of his feet Trapped in the tomb and can't get out 8 Caskets and I In the vault Iot's me and the dead Arranging the coffins A stairway to my Escape I need to climb To exit this cursed vault I can't see where I put my feet But hear the coffins creak beneath me My foot breaks through the top coffin lid Cursing aloud my careless work Something gnawing at my ancle The rotting corpse who's feet I severed A hastework for funerals The corpses must fit Correcting my errors Will the dead need his feet Woke up in the asylum And the nightmare still haunts me In the vault I lost my sanity In the vault It's me and the dead In the vault