Mother laid her elbows on the bed Whispering the wishes to the threads Weaving in the weight of all our dread Wiping up the stains of our regret Heal her hands by kneading up the bread Cleaning off her fingers as she wept Lurk within her gleaming silhouette Then seal in our wonder to ferment I, like the devil, can fly And I read her sweet mind last night, and I, like God, can fly And I held a candle over her fright What is happiness but a word Spoken from on high for what it's worth Flown beneath the wings of little birds But I have felt the wind crawl where we're cursed Find us in the folded parts she pressed Lying in positions, like we've slept Find us in the hallows of her chest Lying in positions, like we've slept I, like the devil, can fly And I read her sweet mind last night, and I, like God, can fly And I held a candle over her fright I, like the devil, can fly