So... I said... War! Weapons of mass destruction War! Keep a poor country suffering So, you wanna be free, big fighter gang, Bush-n-Cheny-me round y'oil can Wanna keep us pumpin', your gas tax is chumpin' Always wanna be the headlight, Burnin' bright, blowin' everything up in sight, Weapons of mass destruction, keep a poor country sufferin' You're just a big ground 0, upon a smokin' rubble hero A bull horn, a flag waving daddy's Saudi rag, black gold Big money talkin' war, thug crime, oil, arms, drugs, and dollar signs Like a condemn that you use, you throw away the troops For just you few suits... Well People... (Chorus) Don't believe the lies, Stand up for Human Pride Remember Vietnam, millions murdered, dehumanized They teach you hate and fear, so they can cash in your blood, sweat and tears So... don't believe the lies, stand up for Human Pride. I'm talkin' bout you, White House bullies, Governtment corps, family world bank cronies, Rozzer Fellow, Rockin' Childs, More Guns, War Burns A billion dollar body count I'm talkin' bout you, TV lynchers, Katrina's storm was a sincher Pave the way blow the levee down, clean Orleans to make a white rich town You exploit race and class, to make inequality, ethnic cleanse makes a lot of money Born in debt, enslaved to you, to supersize and lobotomize the truth You hold the reigns of every starving child, text book operation Nazi style With global warming on the rise, you'll stage another false flag disguise surpise... Well People... (Chorus) Don't believe the lies, Stand up for Human Pride Remember Christopher Columbus, the mass indigenous genocide They preach you terror, hate and fear, so they can justify all the blood, sweat and tears So... Don't believe the lies, stand up for Human Pride! (Leilani's Rap) (Antithesis Rap) In the name of love...