Raze The leghorn Bar Raise 'em so my leakin eyes can see them thru the Haze of the fog machine and drunken stupor, Too late for two legs, too long And daddy's got a pocketful of five dollar bills so... Raze The Leghorn Bar for me. Stay so you can hear my line of crap i say No way cause i'm the only one who isn't single, To date i never said i was wrong My stack is getting shorter as the night moves along so... Raze The Leghorn Bar. Well you come walkin in, i ain't lookin and if you want a strapful ya gotta give me an earful Raze the leghorn bar for me I never met a face like that that i could trust too far Tonight, hey... I never seen no "modern" dancing at no X casino And i got a half a mind that won't settle down Raze the leghorn bar for me My stack is getting shorter, now i can git gone Raze the Leghorn bar for me.