Puny Human

Kill You In The Face

Puny Human


keep away while I get my dance on
the floor's mine so go over there
cause I got my killing pants on
and all the while never overdressed
he's walking in his murder shoes
he's got a tie that's a razor noose
and I brouhgt some nifty dynamatches

kill you in the face till the coffee breaks!

my watchband is bulletproof
my sunglasses solarproof
hey where'd you get those neat inflato-axes
check out my backhanded scissor chop
I do it daily in karate shop
just after 20th century kick ass class

kill you in the face till your legs ache!

no more super hero duper freak
none of this takin someone down with me
gonna kill you in the face till the coffee breaks
and that's it
go ahead and try and run away in fact
I'll get to try out my new motored trap
just got it shipped by fed ex
from dead express

kill you in the face till your belly aches!