BARE KNUCKLE LOVE wander awake from day one and forward four eyes a wink a big city morning look up and cry an infinite caution people deny your illegit fortune it's all a play the weight of safe faces keep the mood a riding in open spaces little honey snake bit in umpteen places keep the money risin in open faces gesture slowly square up the love let's make only bare knuckle love feels so right yet give it time baby run along and watch your head fall around the big pile of empty bottles and be alive baby be alive now it's awake for days it unfolded never again the way the snake told it four eyes a wink a big city morning look up and cry an infinite warning it's all a play the weight of safe faces keep the mood a riding in open spaces little honey snake bit in umpteen places Keep the money risin in open faces gesture slowly square up the love let's make only bare knuckle love damn lies rising