Punto Omega

The World Of Robots

Punto Omega

What a world we have fallen into!
The world of the robots,
there are no more friendly hands:
self-control does not exist.

The cold metal has covered
the senses, reason:
it has gone as far as their souls.
Oh, Robots without hearts!
They no longer feel, no longer dream,
they walk without seeing or hearing,
their hearts are software,
their brains: microchips.

One day not long from now
they will wake up in the morning
and will see that their existence
has always been programmed.

To awaken is the only option
to break the system of control,
awaken to the webs of illusion
in order to escape this world of robots.

One day not long from now
their consciences will change
And into their systems will go
the hidden Truth.