


The lies drip out of you mouth
like another man's cum
The biggest mistake I ever made
was giving you my DNA
Parasites gather without a dime,
drawn by the smell of crime
So eager to suck a bone dry tit,
you can have my woman if you give me a hit

Lethal exchange of bodily fluids:
blood, semen and spit
Contaminate everything you love
Tell me what does that word mean?
A light in the black or does it still work?
Either way, I feel like a jerk
Spread eagle invitation.
Sour but still so sweet

Sending you a kill-o-gram

Using my own flesh and blood
as a knife you stab me again
Wired them embalmed till my blood
crystallized then you scrape it off the floor
Don't waste it man,
sometimes those are the best
Stripped of flesh please be me guest
Nothing more for me to do
so pull my chain and watch me screw