
Feeling Called Love


Tom: Dm

    A5           5  7  7  9  5  5
 Dm/F or F6      x  x  x 10 10 10
    F            x  x  x 10 10  8
 Em/G or G6      x  x  x 12 12 12
    G            x  x  x 12 12 10
 F/A or Am+      x  x  x 14 13 13
    Am           x  x  x 14 13 12


 The room is cold and has been like this for several months.
 If I close my eyes I can visualise everything in it.
 Right down, right down to the broken handle on the third drawer down of the dressing table.
 And the world outside this room has also assumed a familiar shape.
 The same events shuffled in a slightly different order each day.
 Just like a modern shopping centre.

 And it's so cold.
 Yeah it's so cold.

            ( | follow the pattern | )

Dm/F  Dm/F  F    Dm/F  Dm/F  Dm/F   F   F   F   F

Em/G  Em/G  G    Em/G  Em/G  Em/G   G   G   G   G

F/A  F/A  Am     F/A  F/A  F/A   Am   Am   Am   Am
                Em/G  Em/G  G       Em/G  Em/G  Em/G   G   G   G   G
feeling called love?

    Dm/F  Dm/F   F     Dm/F   Dm/F  Dm/F   F   F   F   F
Why me?

     Em/G   Em/G   G     Em/G   Em/G   Em/G   G   G   G   G
Why you?

     F/A  F/A  Am    F/A  F/A  F/A  Am  Am  Am  Am
Why here?

        Em/G   Em/G   G      Em/G  Em/G  Em/G    G    G   G   G
And why now?                              Ooh.

Dm/F  F      Dm/F       F
It doesn't make no sense, no.
Em/G   G   Em/G     G
It's not convenient, no.
F/A Am     F/A     Am
It doesn't fit my plans, no.
Em/G       G        Em/G          G
It's something I don't understand, oh.

Dm/F      F   Dm/F          F
F.  E.  E.  L.  I.  N.  G.
(And as I stand and cross the room}

Em/G      G      Em/G      G
C.  A.  double L.  E.  D.
(I feel as if my whole life has been leading to this one moment}

F/A Am  F/A Am
L.  O.  V.  E.