I´m troublebound and there´s nothing I can do. I´m on a screw-up path just breaking things in two. Ditched my beers but somehow wound up drunk. I guess it all comes down to being a punk. YEAH I MIGHT ASWELL ACCEPT IT, I JUST CAN´T WIN. I´M GONNA DO IT FULL-ON AND SURRENDER TO SIN. I´ll just take it as it comes without obligations. And try to struggle on through all tribulations. The rent´s not payed but I get no panic attack. I couldn´t care less cuz I still got my sixpack. YEAH I MIGHT ASWELL ACCEPT IT, I JUST CAN´T WIN. I´M GONNA DO IT FULL-ON AND SURRENDER TO SIN. So what can you do when you´re stuck with a beergut. And all you ever read is low-grade smut. Not pretty and with the dirtiest mind. Living in the stripjoints and a little behind. I might be the epitome of trailer trash. And it doesn´t look sexy with a scrotum rash. But it´s cool you see, this is the land of the free. And sin is just a vent and it works for me.