He raised his hand and said they'll need a place to stand, and created what we now call the land. He raised his hand and said they'll need a place to fly; and created what we now call the sky. And then he gave life to a man and a woman and said, "The rest is in your hands. chorus LET'S GIVE ADAM AND EVE ANOTHER CHANCE to bring their chidren back together. LET'S GIVE ADAM AND EVE ANOTHER CHANCE to show us how to love one another! to show us how to love one another. So many years have passed since these two people loved; three billion represent the children of his love. And too many tears have fallen from the eyes of the people for whom his son has died chorus When he created all the beauty that we see, I know he had in mind a betterlife for you and me. But as we grow stronger more people hunger just for the right to be free chorus