All those oh so trendy in their flapper and flair Delinquent derelict four walls and a square never should you worry about society The best thing in the life are never free Treat this whole world to a cavalry rout and when you've had enough of go, go, go get out Is everybody happy? Well are you hap-hap-hap-happy? You get a live-in lover, never leave her alone the lifestyle is impressive, and you've moved up in a tone circulate in circles leave the centre at home and happy is this hero, never needing a throne We're having a party not everyone's welcome and if you'ge got no friends I'm sure we'll invent some It's things and then its places Not people and their faces It's things and then it places Not people and there faces Is everybody Happy? Dont go near the water till you learn how to swim the parodies and prophecies, cataclysm probably a proverb like blood form a stone and happy is a hero, never needing a throne