Not so long ago there was a time The naive animal was a wiser thing And these devils that we accept as reality Did not exist here before Nor do i think they were meant to be They have enshrouded themselves With the comforts of wealth Inside this temple of material things Which they cling to All because the hand Was much easier to see than the spirit And upon the educated discovery of this They have made their decision Not only for themselves But for everyone else as well Everything you've ever come to experience To anyone else here has never been And will never be Life does not exist Memory is nothing more than photographs A looking glass to see just where you've been Not what you've been there for Realize your insignificance to the universe And to infinity You will have then cast away The pride of all these things you held so dear Agony and pleasure are a suffering to one another here The wisest is the fool who realizes he knows Nothing, nothing Turn your back on this misconception That the body is the temple It's just the tool of the soul The brain is only the house of the mind And soon you'll have to give back Everything you've borrowed for this lifetime Only then you'll find You have spent all this time Struggling for the wrong things And all of your works here have been nothing Everything is nothing