
Cold Heart Disaster


Well baby Johnny-Two-Times took a walk alright
To the hard-on row, it was a cold dark night
Meaner than Satan, smooth as a shark
Around the corner of love he heard the wild dogs bark 
He heard the lady scream all down the line 
He pulled down his pants and got ready to grind 

Now little Suzy Ballcrush she was pretty messed up 
In her evening gown looking for you know what 
She met the two-times man, such an ugly sight 
She said it´s do or die and then he pulled a nife 

Like the stars in the sky 
They shine so bright at night 
But there´s trouble ahead 
This is what I say: 

It´s gonna be a cold heart disaster 
Are you talking to me now? 
Said Suzy to the master 
It´s gonna be a cold heart disaster 
Should have stayed at home 
Or walked a little faster 

Well baby Johnny-Two-Times´ pretty hot tonight 
Walking down the street gently stroking his knife 
Meaner than Satan, crude as a dog 
With a smile on his face he took a ride on the hog 

Little Suzy Ballcrush don´t you be afraid 
Because bad motherfucking Johnny is minute made 

So don´t you ever feed hungry birds in the street 
Cause you never know who you´re about to meet 
There´s a lesson they learned and then their fingers got burned 
Because of bad fucking Johnny I can hear Suzy curse