Old school Twiztid found in the rubble of Earth's remains You don't know how we do things shut the dog fuckin' say shit. I'm gonna get fuckin fresh, I'm gonna crack this fuckin' kid in the skull Listen here motherfucker you don't know how we do things Shut the fuck up, look some motherfuckers don't play that shit I'm one of those motherfuckers don't fuck with me I'm warnin' you, what the?? Don't fuck with me you cock sucker [Jamie Maddrox] I transcend and continue to bring rhymes Rappers a dime a dozen like the card trading times This is the shit I'm not the ordinary cracker hollerin' Step back Jack, to conive a two fist Blam to your chin Blam! to your soul Now tell me who the player with the biggest balls Rhymes hittin' like planet Rio, press ski like a mosquito Tough like scarface so call me Al Pacino Wishing my skito to meet the Beatles Eatin' some fritos a cool cat daddy like Chester Cheeto Chantin' like the santa domingo Loc's mortuary, livin' close to the cemetery Met a girl named Carrie, she told me she loved me, kinda scary Like Chuck Berry with straight funky guitars Swoopin' on brothers like we were ball betters See, caps get peeled, raps get keiled and dealt 12 bitches keep runnin' turntables with felt Now give a little bust chip that's enough Cause I represent a style that we tough enough Like a tonka truck because I take abuse and keep goin' Survival of the fittest, corse rule for the strong Down the by the bay not the biso, but I drink Cisco When I go to Honna's I order me a frisco Combo meal, $2.95 oh what a deal Would you like that super sized for extra 5 cents? For real Ok go 'head, just don't go haukin' on my bread Can I substitute my drink with a milk shake instead? Yes sir, your total comes to 14.88 Who am I tryin' to feed Michigan State can I relate? [CHORUS x2] Blam! is very very difficult to fuck with Blam is blam is comin' from motown Blam! is very very difficult to fuck with You don't wanna fuck with me Clap on clap off like the clapper, I'm such a hot stepper Drinkin' some Dr. Pepper with my nigga Jed on the record Microphone check 1,2 1,2 Now tell me mothefucker what you came to do I came to bring the skills and try to pay the phone bills I saw Jack and Jill doin' the nasty at the top of the hill Comic books and bitches is the shit I did I don't wanna grow up 'cause I'm a Toys R Us kid I get lost in space, like real Robinson danger Callin' the dragons off cause I'm a mighty morphin' power ranger Hangin' on the ceilin' with karate kicks OD and O Sugar with their picks and sticks And big ol' fat glass of grape kool-aid Chillin' with senior citizens enjoyin the shade Stayin' paid countin' the whole round of cash Gettin' on the scene like jumpin' jack flash and crash Pepper I chew it made me sneeze Always itchin' my balls like I got some type a fleas so baby please What you sees, is what you get A goofball with long hair growin' round like a chia pet We just met and you know I'm a come across when I enforce Ready on the day as I see all the other time lost Enforce on the lyricist 'cause I'm the fast Puttin' up my titles and watch until your career crash [CHORUS] Hickory dickory dock, tell them fools they better stay off my cock 'Cause I pose with a bag of lunatics down the block Bag a lions, big giants house of krayzees runnin' shit For the 9-6 and then some Representin' mad skills, pay the bills Got they back plus the ends on the dub sack Now tell man, who got the ill rhymes Got your toes tappin' like Gregory Hines Runnin' shit like a marathon, I'm stronger than tephlon And use my liquid thunder to get my trick on Well I'm slangin' faster than the average nig got it I start to intrude when I'm rude disrespect me and I'll snatch your wig Nick Nick patty wack, my name is Mr. Bones Slam Dunkin' lyrics like the man Eddie Jones You better give it up for the original individual In the skies so open your eyes surprise I fade 'em all like Jamal I'm standin' tall with my back to the wall A bad brother like Lou Rawls I'll foldya, I thought I told ya gun in the holster I thought patterns left behind in the rhymes, cause I'm older Bang, thang, wang, this ain't no play, gettin' paid Goin' on and paintin' chicks wait, cannot relate [CHORUS: Repeat till end]