……..and he saw the man was naked, unsheltered, barefoot before the world so he stole the fire and the wisdom to the Gods to protect him, but he should not do it………….. The sky's sons saw in men's daughters beautiful virtue added to grace driven by inner desire they went down wanting the women The union of celestial spirits and flesh souls gave life to enormous giants, cannibal giants they generated Naphidims who drunk the blood, devoured flesh without satiating hunger Naphidim's race taught the men about war, astrology and magic defying the divine directions they provided to men education many secrets made in heaven were shared with our distant ancestors Humankind accordingly learned secret powers of the angels this unauthorized act of revelation outraged the archangels and it was that act wich God decide to punish with his rage divinely commanded obbedient giants had to kill the Naphidims Giants killed Naphidims Naphidims, Egrègors Egrègors, human beings and every man killing each other Watchers swept down and defeated Naphidims cause what they dared then forced them to watch the slaughter of their children before being themselves imprisoned in mounts and desert of the earth until the judgement day when they'll be cast into the lake of the infernal fire Everyone spilled blood the earth was filled with iniquity You were in the heaven but his secrets had not been revealed to men so the whole world will be swept down with flood to destroy Naphidims red fields and the all mortal humankind lands with great deluge, eraser of this inconcevaible stain The sky's sons saw in men 's daugthers beautiful virtue added to grace driven by inner desire they went down wanting the woman defying the divine directions they provided to men education many secrets made in heaven were shared with our distant ancestors AFTER YOU GAVE ME THE LIGHT WOULD BE FAIR TO KNOW HOW MUCH I SEE OF IT