Promaetheus Unbound

Gothic Vulture

Promaetheus Unbound

Her dark malice is affecting my gender
fulfilling to the spell she've cast over me
breach in the mirror wich my essence hides
handsome Narcisus……made me just a number
I shall whisper wishes much better unsaid………….

…………I am left and I am free beyond those deep vain memories
as majesty forsaken………

I expected not to heal from the plebeian plagues
accumulated among dews, ferns nearby my skin
chaising sirens called my name with voice of decay

Thy will brings me soon to adamantine gates
In to a gloom profounder than hate
Black in a moon of white senseless life

I wood be sucked in the coil of thy wings
spread out upon the helms of paltries

I wood be sucked in to the coil of thy wings
Spread out upon the helms of paltries

LIFE………….and the spare time remained
GUILE ……….the burning hell awaits
ENVY………...increased by stronger hate