It's so dark here, it's dark and Silent I focus on my uneven breath But I can't control it I live in a constant state of anxiety Sometimes I think my heart will explode Where am I? My body seems carved in ice All of my senses are melted in confusion I cannot even recognize this place Seems like the living mother of all Illusions I feel something lurking in the Darkness Crawling through the freezing gears Step after step my courage crumbles My eyes are captured by a cluster of Fears The eyes... The eyes of the creature are Blowing up like fucking bubbles They're full of a strange, disgusting Bluish corrisive liquid It penetrates me And as it penetrates me Countless horrors begin pouring down Before my eyes I'm craving to die Please, somebody help me! Please, help Me! It stares at me Motionless Incarnate weirdness Sorrounded by a starless sky Insane screams Impossible to defy In the shadows between these walls There's another twisted silhouette, old I'm listening to it, I hear it crying It is getting closer and closer to me Then I finally realize that the presence Is me The eyes of the creature are mirrors In which I can see myself drowning in a Corrisive bluish liquid But I know for sure, that this creature Is the only one that can save me Save me, save me, save me Save me!