


Microwave sun over the city
an incubator hatching energy and motion
Compassion rolls into gutter gratings
Like a virgin's blood down a dragon's throat
13 year-old machos blaze a path
With defiance powered blasters
Audio assault with batteries
Practicing kung-fu moves for invisible cameras
Writing a script no one will ever film
Trying hard to feel something with hearts scabbed and sore

I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon on the city tonight
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon on the cold edge of the city

A thousand tons on black sky ooze over the skyline
Like warm honey on the grey gunmetal sidewalks below
Night covers the sun - a widow's veil
The moon a mirror-ball throwing spangles in the deep
Splashing drops of coolness on the steaming pavement
Time lapse streaks of gold and crimson skirt the corners
While bit players huddle in bars
Cigarettes glowing like cat's eyes
A boy dangles his legs from a fire escape
Counting the street lights, though he knows their number
Waiting on a jolt from God - or whoever comes first

I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon on the city tonight
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon
I want to shine like neon on the cold edge of the city