Master of war crushing the holy seals - Black vomit of woe Southwest damnation - Bestial malevolence will return Lore of irreverence will force Christ to crawl through shit Morbid God of bogs from which pollution blows ANGEL OF FOUR WINDS Four horsemen: Famine, Pestilence, War and Death Howlings of pain foretelling his ascension Four lightning hammers in cyclical destruction Sealed in a cross of iron - Casted in blood with a circle of fire Four winds of desolation and perversity Reincarnation, birth, life and death Eternal putrefaction - Return to the ground For once you're born you die and it will not last what it should last Evil spirits - Whispers in the desert within the blizzard Summoned to destroy Fallen Cherub of death Morning Star cursed for eternity - Bringer of pest and plagues Mayhemic defiance thrown into the bottomless pit ANGEL OF FOUR WINDS Wheel of the black sun shining over neutron storms Purifying fire - Constant cremation The serpent that bites its own tail Solemn heredity of the barbaric legacy On the dunes an enthroned figure arises Whose shadow covers all life Emerging within the worm arteries Rivers of blood that flow out to in the same sea ANGEL OF FOUR WINDS Feathered wings of the greatest glory of an abomination Fiery as those of a phoenix - Infected as those of a fly Contagious deity of the accursed - Blaspheme jackal of all fevers Herald of all men's destiny - Revealer of the last truth ANGEL OF FOUR WINDS