
Diabolus Vobiscum (Deus Inversus)


Prince of Darkness
Lord of Hell
Open the avernal gates of Thy domain
Awake the legions from the chtonic chaos
Titans and black gods commanded by Thee
Enlight us with the infernal flame
Show us the pleasures of sin
Show us the grace of be fallen
Veni omnipotens
Aeterne Diabolus
We drink the blood of the martyrs from the chalice of the Abomination
Goddess of all that's be named filth
Gratia tibi, matres
Satanic crusade
We kill the holy
Merciless bloodbath for Thy glory
Mass sacrifices upon Thy altar
Glorificamus Te Rex Inferus
We spit on the coward's cross
And broke the idols of misery
Ecce corpus Jesu Christi
Dominus humilim et rex servorum
In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas
Introibo ad altare Luciferi
Ad cum qui laefificat meum
Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Satani
Qui regit terram
Domine Inferi, tu conversus vivificabis nos
Et cum spiritum tuo
Belial! Leviathan! Beelzebub! Astaroth! Azazel!