
Can You Feel It


Tom: C

This is my first tap, but it is right!
So have much fun with my composition!

special notations:
h: hammer on
p: pull off

Intro: Play this with a Wah Wah (3x)


*: play with a heavier distortion

|-------------------------------------------|  when you have play |--------|
|-------------------------------------------|  this 3x, play this |--------|
|-------------------------------------------|  twice!this also    |--------|
|--------------------4---hp-----------------|  the end of the     |--------|
|2-3--2-33-2-33--2-3-2---325232523252---2-3-|  first Verse!       |-2-33---|
|2-3--2-33-2-33--2-3--------------------2-3-|                     |-2-33---|

*: play this 2x


*: play this with muting! 2x


than play Verse1,Chorus1,Verse2 again!





now play :

* 8x

that`s it! play and enjoy this song!!!!!!!
notationed by Stefan Holzinger