Priscilla Hernández

Outer Circle

Priscilla Hernández

You're sick of wind 
You're sick of rain 
You're sick of stormy days 
You want to lay your back on red heat burning 

Your hands are torn 
Your knees are worn 
your body claims for rest 
There's just a single step to the outer circle 
Be brave, dare break the edge of the outer circle 

It's you the one I want 
the one I miss and call 

When there's nothing left to prove 
there is nothing but the moon 
let it wash your sins away 
and you'll be a child again

Don't you miss your childhod?
then call on me, my child 
Do you miss me? 
then summon me 
Do you miss your childhood?, then follow me 

When there's nothing left to prove 
There is nothing but the moon 
Let it wash your sins away 
and you'll be a child again 

Do you miss your childhood? 
then follow me