Silver meadows over which Heaven persists in silence And the last hour's sleep... Uncovering trembly-archy The most intimate of life And beheading itself the dull crawls Until nothing more is left But the last hour's sleep Over silver meadows Under which Earth persists in silsnce And the last hour's sleep Until nothing more is left but Vanity - Vanitas - broken roses and Silver meadows And silver meadows... Which uncovered uncovering itself From eternal nakedness and Vanity with broken necks over which Heaven persists in silence And in the last hour's sleep A body in which guts do steam And without the last hour's sleep Until nothing more is left But the executioner's axe! And the last night's piss Over silver meadows and Vanity - broken neckroses under which Earth - earth - persists in silence Until nothing more is left but the eternal nakedness And the dull crawls lying beheaded On silver meadows On silver meadows! Requiescant! Top / Seitenanfang