The night doesn't throw shadows anymore
Because all that's grey and black
Is thoroughly banished
By a flood of light which even
Illuminates the most concealed
Which drips into the darkest souls
The coarse beam of the wake...

Everything's overwhelming itself with clearness
Only the truth, thy truth
Is standing aside, cannot be let in
Because it is disturbing the child,
The action of rocking
And frightens up the fears of a whole time:

Laokoon wake up, 'cos all that you see
Is a bloody insanity!
Just see, well see, he's prophesying mischief!
Woe, oh woe, to those who brave the prophecies
For the sake of their own conscience...!

Laokoon, Sir, didn't they want your death?
Wasn't it snakes strangling yourself
Their snakes, their wishful thinking
'Cos you were smashing
The fermenting hope inside 'em?

Oh, not did they crucify ya,
But they mutilated the dark, exiled it,
They killed it,
And not as a whole they forgot
That they can't avert mischief
By destroying the misgiving!

Laokoon, thy snakes - wake up, wake up!
Were bourgeois wishdreams - wake up, wake up!
'Cos you unleashed 'stead of killing hope
The bleeding, gaping wounds of fright! - Escape from ya bonds!

Hope instead of fright
Optimism as a remedy for disdain
Freedom for the light, light into the night
Danger knows no words, it is ubiquitous
The sting's sticking deeply inside,
You knew about its bleeding!

It is - the way it is, remains - the way it was
Laokoon - wake up, Laokoon - stay awake
Stay alive, prophet!
No warning - no threat,
For talking to deaf senses:
Does that mean to threaten?
Thy snakes, Laokoon, were bourgeois wishdreams!