get up learn how to talk watch the letters i can drop ABCDEFGH if you want more better gimme the bass SWF like WWF in a puddle of breathe sweat MCs to death in a D& G dress ride a bumpy beat- like -a BMX now O!! SMS text for S & M sex Xray Specs filthy that's F DKNY vest U impressed I got ijklmnop left on the LES yes QRS T tea for two me and U V W? No, BMW X triple X y zz cuddle you -U? SIC ADD so 123 321 ooh in the 212 don't know what to do Let's C- NYC MVP APB on the LIE tell the NME friends n me TNT on our TITs boom baby! boom boom! hey-if you wanna go out tonight you better get it right be like aaeeiioo TasTeefreeze men to their knees PYTs in the PVC BBC to NBC i'm watching you from out the TV switch it off / it's alright / it's a standoff i'm the boss/ get you back and more check the record rack in the store a million of me lookin back in the mall price tag on my face like a whore ice in my bag like D-I-O-R built like a C-A-R programmed like a VCR n if you figure that with my figure I earn 7 figures then you just learned the word figure again and i just made your brain bigger again CNN hey-if you wanna go out tonight you better get it right be like aaeeiioo all a sudden ain't I sumthin eat KFC in the VIP in London runnin take the HOV CC2003 TCB H-MV get DMC BIG School D call the CDC I'm about to sneeze Achooo--ooh/ I like the letter A do U? CIA get away /TWA upright tray Q and A about my T-n-A, DNA FU it's TBA Call Triple A / they're on their way I'm gonna take over the WEA might wanna warn LA /you can keep it warm for me til that day hey-if you wanna go out tonight you better get it right be like aaeeiioo hey. It's alright. we alright. we just like aaeeiioo