I'm a bad babysitter, got my boyfriend in your shower, Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour... Babysitting sucks but whatever they got junk food, kung fu, eggfu, Dig Dug, a dog too And a hot Jew, Mr. Weintraub, I mean he's old but not dimed out If I'm bad I'll turn around in the corner for Time Out Aight Josh what you wanna do? You wanna watch cartoons? HBO got Platoon, hey get back in the room! I assume your folks are gonna be out late, go make me Kool Aid I'm a sit on the couch and masturbate then call my boyfriend Gabe and see if he ate Spit out my Bubbalicious and get to one of them big fridges that could fit 10 midgets Damn they're rich, hey she left me fifty dishes - bitch! Let's try on ya mom's minks think she'll miss these Chanellinks? In high heels you look like Jar Jar Binks - go play under the sink (I want my mommy and daddy!) I want your daddy as well But if you tell, you'll die of sickle cell and God told me you're goin straight to hell Well if you don't like it I can leave and then you'll be alone believe me that's what the creepy monsters want Plus I'll be taking your TV Put on your jammers and don't wet the bed I got a camera I'll take a picture and show that little girl you like sandra Oh and one more thing, there's been several mass murderers spotted in the area I'm a bad babysitter, got my boyfriend in your shower, Woo! I'm makin 6 bucks an hour... Let's make Fluffernutters don't fuckin utter another peep I'll take the cookie cutter make star cookies outta ya skin while you sleep Keep still, I gotta check the bathroom cabinet hey what are thesepills? I'll take the Valium Josh you take a bag and the Tagament Stop throwin up I'm not paid enough you clean up the rug Is that Fluff? I told you 6 boxes of unmade Jell-O was too much All right kid you gotta go to bed, I know its only 6 but my boy just came over and he wants me to give him head Sit his bare ass on the couch where you watch Small Wonder Next time you see Vicky the spot'll be sticky cuz I sucked his dicky and used your mom's cucumber Don't worry I'll put it back in the Frigidaire Scared? You can have it for supper nice and crisp in the Tupperware No bedtime story, Gabe get off you're so horny! Josh get in bed and Freddie Krueger might let you see your mom in the mornin No porn and shut the shade Gabe- One day you'll know how nice it is to get laid while you gettin' paid I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour Oh daddy, they just came back Gee, Mr. W. and your wife looks bad It must have been a drink she had We drank SOME MAI TAI'S, RIPPED OFF HER THIGH HIGHS That's too much information I need a ride Let's take the benz That's THE COOLEST CAR I'VE EVER SEEN How old are you again not to forget, 19? Yeah, PSYCH! in like four more years Oh one time could please show one of those nice NEW CHEERS Have you been working out No doubt, here's your house Do you wanna come in We just got this awesome new couch OW, stop it girl CanT I get a little PEEK NAH girl, I'LL TAKE A RAIN check AND see you next week I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour I'm a bad babysitter Got my boyfriend in your shower Woo! I'm making 6 bucks an hour