I think it's time I buckle down and contemplate the path in front of me It's all laid out before me, but the details blur too much for me to see Yet I can still sleep sound tonight, knowing that no matter how it curves We will walk together, and your bright and dazzling smile will calm my nerves 'Cause I'm with you, I can do anything I can fly on rose petal wings And I know, even high above it all You will catch me if I fall You have truly taught my eyes to see Every single bit of good you see in me But I won't let you bear the lion's share I'll follow you into battle, whether earth or air I'll stand by your side, and we'll fight for what is right Let me be a part of your universe tonight Oh Even now, I can feel butterflies But somehow, with you, I know it's right I will stand with you long after the end For our Earth, we will defend