The vast plains of nothingness Are clinging to my mind Devoid of direction or meaning I can’t bear to live this way anymore Drifting through time and space Battling existence, I must find my way I’ve been beaten down and left to die Left with nothing to believe in To forge a path of my own In a world that crumbles before me To seek solace in my kingdom To brave these graven hardships Colossal and enduring Where fate is not guaranteed By no means carved in stone In a world that cares for none Apathetic to your demise Where one's fate is strictly their own I will find, I will find my kingdom The fire inside will never die My desire burns so bright And I will fight my adversaries Against all odds I must exercise persistence To bring forth nothing less than the life I seek To brave these graven hardships Colossal and enduring Where fate is not guaranteed By no means carved in stone In a world that cares for none Apathetic to your demise Where one's fate is strictly their own I will find, I will find my kingdom I’ve been beaten down and left to die Left with nothing to believe in To forge a path of my own In a world that crumbles before me To seek solace in my kingdom The arcane light that lies ahead Beams so bright and pure For I do not know what my future holds Let free will guide my way To brave these graven hardships Colossal and enduring Where fate is not guaranteed By no means carved in stone In a world that cares for none Apathetic to your demise Where one's fate is strictly their own I will find, I will find my kingdom