Behead the leviathan) Creating the thoughts of the sheep Making a virtue of compassion Wrapping purity in a dark cocoon What shall emerge but a beast? The plague from the east On the throne of the west Decadence enthroned Virtue decimated We plunge headlong into the fires of oblivion Blood of generations turns to sand Commanded by a morally redundant animal A beast dressed in human flesh The cohesion of the serpents Context of the new world order And with it comes the ghost of the goyem It is this that shall haunt the ruins of what was our civilisation Alien poison must be purged Alliances must be formed The snake cut in its tracks And strangled mercilessly Hold aloft the banner of resistance Behead the poisonous leviathan Evolve into a stronger healthier race To rise above and conquer the subjugator (Behead the Leviathan) The world with this repression keeps on turning Into the abyss of extinction Consecrate our fall from grace With the blood of a conquering race Subservience holds no honour Fight and reclaim what is ours