Jesus, Your Sacred Heart holds the key to salvation
Your forgiveness wipes away everything that separates me from you
You are Divinity and you are Humanity
The perfect union of natures once so separated 

May the love which gushes forth from Your Sacred Heart
Infiltrate my own and make me whole
I am broken and weakened by my arrogance
Break my walls of stubbornness and draw me into you 

Blessed Mary, your Immaculate Heart is burning with love
My sins which pierce it are the same sins which gained my Redeemer
Unworthy as I am, you offer your motherly love to me
The "yes" you gave to the Father brought the Son to save us all

May the love which gushes forth from your Immaculate Heart
Infiltrate my own and make me whole
I am broken and weakened by my arrogance
Break my walls of stubbornness and draw me closer to you 

Jesus, Your Sacred Heart holds the key to salvation
Blessed Mary, your Immaculate Heart is burning with love

May the love which gushes forth between your holy hearts
Infiltrate my own and make me whole
I am broken and weakened by my arrogance
Break my walls of stubbornness and draw me into your love