Show me your sacred icons I'll urinate on the cross Reveal your marks of faith I'll spit on your retarded face Take me to your church; take me to your mosque I'll torch the house of your lord Enjoy your last communion As I'll baptize you in holy excrements Silence, godly order and happiness Still in your minds breed But through the black soul of Satan The age-old chaos shall arise The waves of intolerance are sweeping Hateful winds blow Earthly dreams in ruins lay The mass of destruction we bow The era of man is fainting To cosmos we are to return Existence of flesh is failing The jehova's creation will burn Look into this mind You'll find no hesitation Look into my deep, black eyes Never have they shined so bright The waves of intolerance are sweeping Hateful winds blow Earthly dreams in ruins lay The mass of destruction we bow The era of man is fainting To cosmos we are to return Existence of flesh is failing The jehova's creation will burn By the almighty power of Belial's disciples Eradication of jehova's shameful creation Below the ashes we shall rise From under the ruins, His glory to praise