Pretium Doloris

Time's Following Me

Pretium Doloris

Let's tomorrow decide for you,
Time is a game, I'm ready to,
Let my Fate between the hands of my God

Let's yesterday regain your past,
Life is so short, Death come so fast,
Time will never cast a Spell on me

My Aunt wanted to read my Hand,
But Fear was written on her Face,
She told me "Please, don't begin by the End"

If the Time stop to follow me,
I'm sure I will never be free,
That's why, I've chosen to go beyond it

Give me only one reason to make me
Understand why is the Time Following Me,
Past is Back, whereas Future is Dark,
So can-you keep the Secret and forget me ?

Let's tomorrow decide for you,
Time is a game, I'm ready to,
Let my Fate between the hands of my God

Let's yesterday regain your past,
Life is so short, Death come so fast,
Time will never cast a Spell on me

One day a Princess have told me,
"Any moments will be erased,
just like every Words which won't be forgotten"

Am I allowed to follow you ?
Are we so Blind, and don't we see,
The way of Time which is opening to me ?

Give me only one reason to make me
Understand why is the Time Following Me,
Past is Back, whereas Future is Dark,
Can-you keep the Secret and forget me?