President Romana

Not Turned Good Pt 2

President Romana

Caught my eye
I was thrilled but horrified
When I finally realised you're my replacement

Give us a kiss, Miss

No. Chance

You might think I'm crazy
Regeneration's hazy
How you turned into me remains a mystery
But to the task at hand
We've got a Master plan
If it works we'll change the whole of Cyber-history

But do you have the mettle to enact it wholesale?
I think you've lost your edge since you turned all female
But some things I won't change
Not even if I could
Oh, I will not turn good

So come on, Lady Version

Hey! Evil and perversion
Run through my veins as deeply as in yours, dear
Don't cross me or you'll see
Just how scary I can be
So shut up and let your future run its course, dear

I'm twisted and sadistic, if I may say so
Like the time I threw that girl in a volcano
Some things I won't change
Not even if I could
Oh, I have not turned good

A touching speech, Doc - really ace
But take a good long look at my face
Does it look like one that's listened to a word that you just said?

You know we can't stand him, (Stand with him)
So why should we stand with him? (I now understand him)
I should have guessed you'd learnt empathy! (But maybe it's meant to be)

You know that we can't stand with you, even if we wanted to

Darling, I admired you
You were always so on fire - you
Were burning with a passion that I envy
But we can't go on that way
It's time for you to change
See the Doctor as our friend and not our enemy

Now when I said I feared for my personal future
I didn't think I'd act as my own executioner
But two can play that game
Now am I understood?
Oh, I will not turn good!